Sunday, November 30, 2008

Pond Muck

Since I am almost entirely egocentric...I will write about how I feel once again...

I am confused...I think it is such a bummer that you can't know what someone else is thinking/feeling...

So I asked for a little advice from someone today and then they told me that they and their sidekick (thing 1 and thing 2 I shall call them) said that I have no confidence with guys. I probably shouldn't snoop more but then I felt bad...and the answer got worse...

So thing 1 tells me that thing 2 knows the ex of the guy I like and sort of had a thing with her while she was with the guy I then stupid me I ask if that girl was pretty...thing 1 said that thing 2 said I was a step above the ex....and that sufficed for a moment....

Until...I questioned what I was a step above...I don't want to be just a step above a's all so relative...:(

So to thing 1 and thing 2 being a step above pond muck is not my idea of time you discuss me don't bother...

To those that feel I asked for it by prying....I agree...but cannot help that I am a dummy....

Friday, November 21, 2008

I missed kindergarten

Sometimes I don't want to share, and I consider something mine in totality.

So when someone recently asked me (in an abrupt way) that I give them something that is all mine I got very defensive. In fact I started getting angry, yelled, and ran away. I felt it was an intrusion of my rights.

I did calm down and even though I don't want to share... compromised.

I decided to share not ALL, but some of my something...and I still don't like it.


I would like to give a shout out to whoever lowered gas prices....muchas gracias...and may you have many sons...haha

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Nothing Great

You all know the feeling...the little butterflies....your feet turn blush...and then say something profoundly stupid:)

All you want to say is .... I like you

Well....I like you certain someone...even though your a complete weirdo (in the best of ways)

I try not to think about it but when you like someone you regress...and forget how to turn off

Not to mention even though I like you....I am pretty sure you don't like me that way...and even if you did it wouldn't matter....'s my childish declaration...I like you (nothing great but my butterflies can't take it in my tummy anymore)

On a off note...I love SNL...we need more cowbell