Sunday, November 30, 2008

Pond Muck

Since I am almost entirely egocentric...I will write about how I feel once again...

I am confused...I think it is such a bummer that you can't know what someone else is thinking/feeling...

So I asked for a little advice from someone today and then they told me that they and their sidekick (thing 1 and thing 2 I shall call them) said that I have no confidence with guys. I probably shouldn't snoop more but then I felt bad...and the answer got worse...

So thing 1 tells me that thing 2 knows the ex of the guy I like and sort of had a thing with her while she was with the guy I then stupid me I ask if that girl was pretty...thing 1 said that thing 2 said I was a step above the ex....and that sufficed for a moment....

Until...I questioned what I was a step above...I don't want to be just a step above a's all so relative...:(

So to thing 1 and thing 2 being a step above pond muck is not my idea of time you discuss me don't bother...

To those that feel I asked for it by prying....I agree...but cannot help that I am a dummy....

1 comment:

Toots said...

We must talk. thing 1, he is retarded