Saturday, October 25, 2008

In twenty years....will dinosaurs exist

I had this strange epiphany today...I feel old
So before I get an eyeroll...I do realize I am not actually's just because recently a number of important things have changed in my life, and they involve me packing on a whole lot of responsibility...Then I got anxiety over what if this is going to continue and I have plateaued and this is it...because I want so much more...mostly then there was anxiety...

until I realized that I am being ridiculous because I am young and I have so many chances ahead of me (I hope)...also that I shouldn't limit myself

I opened my eyes a little...because I realized that despite that sarcastic routine I put on that I really do want quality relationships (be it friends or romantic) and that maybe I should put in a little more calling people back and not blowing off people...

maybe that will be my new year's resolution...


Anonymous said...

Wow, that was a mouthful! Take it one day at a time, you can do anything you set your mind to. Your going to be great in all that you do.

ADHD...who knows said...

thanks...i need that sometimes

Toots said...

From MI, to OH, we all believe you are an amazing person. You have it more together that any other 20 year old I know.