Saturday, October 25, 2008

In twenty years....will dinosaurs exist

I had this strange epiphany today...I feel old
So before I get an eyeroll...I do realize I am not actually's just because recently a number of important things have changed in my life, and they involve me packing on a whole lot of responsibility...Then I got anxiety over what if this is going to continue and I have plateaued and this is it...because I want so much more...mostly then there was anxiety...

until I realized that I am being ridiculous because I am young and I have so many chances ahead of me (I hope)...also that I shouldn't limit myself

I opened my eyes a little...because I realized that despite that sarcastic routine I put on that I really do want quality relationships (be it friends or romantic) and that maybe I should put in a little more calling people back and not blowing off people...

maybe that will be my new year's resolution...

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Ravenous, ravenous rhinos

I love chipotle now....i think about it a that normal? is just food

Everytime I drive by it I want to stop...

Shareirei and I picked up her car at the mechanics place and I used that as a convenient reason to stop for lunch there....

I wonder if they put cilantro flavored crack in their rice.....

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Fahrenheit 451

So, in class we are reading Dog Soldiers by Robert Stone...and I like it....and I seem to be the only one who does:)

You've got crazy characters, culture (counterculture), and well drugs....but the kids in my class don't get quote a fellow classmate "i can't even find sparknotes on's so old, like why are we reading this?"

heres the question I would like to pose: "Why are you in school?" ....the apathy towards learning anything is amazing.

i have a mound of books waiting to be read, while half of my peers would prefer to burn a mound of depressing!