Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A formula that might work

The other day I became nostalgic and was looking through some really old photos of my family. In a not uncommon moment I started to think about what would I, as a child think about my now adult (semi-adult) self.

It hurts to think I would be dissapointed.
In evaluating my current situation I can see I am possibly a tad bit lame. I went away to school but came home. It is my 3rd year of university and I am only 5 years away from graduating. I work in a coffee shop where I put in way too much effort. While all my friends are at school.
getting trashed and layed...I am at home doing neither (at least majority of the time).

But....whats interesting is that I like my lameness sometimes...I may have bypassed a normal stage of life by possibly growing up too quickly, but I think I am ok

I treasure stability...since it has been lacking my whole entire life

Anywho on a more interesting note....I am almost finished with the blankie I am crocheting. Also, if there is some weird glich in the universe I may be getting a promotion..yay for more money (cross your fingers I would like to move out).

And I think an old crush has died (figuratively).

Last funny moment...hold it....we have high rolly chairs in my micro lab ...and boy are they slippery...i sent the mother all the way across the room trying to get my ass perched on it...it's ok only the cutest guy in class sits right behind me:)


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